Note: this article only applies to conversions to VB.NET, because the VB6Variant type isn’t supported when converting to C#.
In VB6 is possible to assign a user-defined type (UDT) to a Variant variable and then access the UDT fields in late-bound mode. VB.NET supports this technique if the Variant is converted to an Object variable, but not to a variable of another type, including the special VB6Variant type. Consider the following code:
Dim udt As TestUDT, var As Variant
var = udt
udt.Name = "foo"
MsgBox var.Name
var.Name = "bar"
This is how VB Migration Partner translates the above code:
Dim udt As TestUDT
Dim var As Object = udt
udt.Name = "foo"
var.Name = "bar"
This code works fine under VB.NET and behaves exactly as in VB6. Next, lets use a ChangeType pragma to render the Variant variable using the VB6Variant type:
The code the VB Migration Partner produces is slightly different:
Dim udt As TestUDT
Dim var As Object = CVar6(udt)
udt.Value.Name = "foo"
var.Value.Name = "bar"
The VB.NET code initially works as in VB6, except its last statement throws the following exception:
Late-bound assignment to a field of value type 'TestUDT' is not valid when 'TestUDT' is
the result of a late-bound expression.
There is no known workaround to this issue. The bottom line is that you should never assign a UDT to a VB6Variant variable if you later need to modify that UDT’s fields. For this reason you should carefully scrutinize all messages 0414 that VB Migration Partner emits when it assigns a UDT to a VB6Variant variable.