Migrating a VB6 application in
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VB Migration Partner setup fails if VB6 isn’t installed
Two .NET project can't coexist in the same directory
Migrated .NET code might not work in partially-trusted applications
Using the VBMigrationPartner_Support module
Multithreaded VB6 applications don’t retain their multithreading behavior
Converted .NET applications target 32-bit CPUs by default
VB Migration Partner generates signed interop assemblies
Generate Visual Studio 2008 and 2010 projects
Show UPGRADE_ISSUE comments in the Task List window
Exclude portions of VB6 code from the migration process and replace it with custom .NET statements
Determine if unsupported members throw an exception at runtime
Ignore fatal runtime errors
Using the NGEN tool to speed up the startup phase of a migrated .NET application
Using migrated .NET DLLs from VB6, ASP, and other COM clients
Create references to .NET assemblies with absolute path
Create an empty directory under the application’s folder
Create a report with all the migration issues and warnings
Diagnose problems related to .NET assemblies that can’t be found or aren’t loaded correctly
Have VB Migration Partner correctly locate TlbImp and other .NET SDK tools
Modify project-level options in .NET programs
Enforce project-level Option Strict Off setting in VB.NET programs
VB Migration Partner is unable to run Visual Studio
Terminate the migration when a warning message is emitted
Execute multiple instances of VB Migration Partner
Convert VB6 files that are shared among projects
Incrementally migrate a large VB6 project and avoid the “Maximum number of errors has been exceeded” message
Skipping one or more methods when applying the PreProcess or PostProcess pragmas
Limit the scope of PreProcess and PostProcess pragmas
VB Migration Partner doesn’t support references to external EXE projects
Conversion fails with an "Unable to find ResToResx.exe tool" error
VB Migration Partner requires that current user has write permission on C:\ root folder
Conversion fails with a "Project item name not found" error
A locked EXE or DLL file causes the migration process or compilation command to fail
Errors when doing unit testing or using reflection to explore the support library
Temporarily disable pragmas for debugging purposes
PreProcess or PostProcess pragma can make VB Migration Partner to hung
.NET applications crash with “Unable to create ActiveX object” error
Compatibility problems with MS Build
VB Migration Partner may stop when converting VB6 apps that reference a .NET DLL
Out of memory exceptions when converting very large projects
VB Migration Partner fails to recognize a reference to a VB6 project
VB Migration Partner generates incomplete classes
Modify migrated projects to use CodeArchitects.VBPowerPack.dll
Improve performance of migrated .NET applications
GoSub statements inside For loops and With blocks cause a compilation error
Structures with same name may be generated in the same .NET namespace
#IF statement that use compiler constants starting with “vb”
Limitations in the conversion of #If blocks
VB.NET property values passed to a ByRef parameter can be modified
The End keyword is converted as ApplicationExit6
.NET floating point divisions never raise Division-by-zero errors
Math operations on Variants cause an Overflow exception
.NET collections can’t be modified while inside a For Each loop
.NET arrays are copied using "shallow" semantics
Avoid Option Explicit Off in generated VB.NET files
UDT fields accessed via a VB6Variant variable are readonly
How VB Migration Partner deals with late-bound calls
Improve code generation with Variant variables and parameters
Replace Collection with the VB6CollectionVariant type
Late-bound code might throw an exception or not work as expected
Reduce runtime errors caused by null strings
Reduce compilation errors caused by late binding or undetected conversions
Deal with Null values in If statements
Speed up string concatenation
Changing the type of a variable causes a Type Mismatch compilation error
Solve issues related to Null values in database fields
Modify the behavior of methods and classes in VB.NET library and VB Migration Partner support library
.NET doesn’t support methods with same name as events
Handle compilation errors caused by name collisions
Compilation error when implementing an interface that defines a collection class
Pragmas related to arrays might not work if applied to a ReDim statement
Apply ByVal keyword to unassigned by-reference parameters
Implement functions that return arrays with nonzero LBound
Assign a specific data type when the As clause is missing
Convert byte-oriented string functions
The VB.Global object isn’t migrated
Testing Err after invoking Format6 method
Default member isn’t resolved for arguments of IIF and Choose methods
Move the declaration of a variable into a For or For Each loop
Transform “Not x Is y” expressions into “x IsNot y” expressions
Replace App6 properties with native VB.NET members
Get rid of warnings related to Screen.MousePointer property
The VB.NET application doesn’t compile because of a “Method XYZ not found” compilation error
Apply pragmas only to variables of specific types
Using the SetType pragma with optional parameters
Convert While loops into Do loops
Convert weak object references and the ObjPtr keyword to VB.NET
“Class” suffix may cause compilation errors
Generate auto-implemented properties for Visual Basic 2010
Optimize Boolean expressions using PostProcess pragmas
Compilation errors with classes or usercontrols that expose events with same name as other members and that are used to define an interface
Fix ReDim statements that change the rank of an array
VB6 and VB.NET store arrays into Collection objects in different ways
The .NET application doesn’t compile because of a “Number of indices exceeds the number of dimensions of the indexed array” compilation error
Leverage naming conventions to assign a specific type to implicitly-declared variables
Solve “Number of indices exceeds the number of dimensions of the indexed array” compilation errors caused by Redim statements that change the array rank
The migrated VB.NET application can’t compile because of the error “ ‘XYZ’ is already declared in this enum”
The Erase statement doesn’t work well with VB6 static arrays
Arrays held in Variant and Object variables are converted in a special way
The IsArray method returns False with unitialized array stored in Object variables
Default methods with arguments are converted to read-only properties
The AutoDispose pragma doesn’t account for multiple assignments to same variable
The VB.NET application can’t compile because of an ”'AddressOf' expression cannot be converted to 'Integer' because 'Integer' is not a delegate type” error
The VB.NET application can’t compile because a constant in a Structure is ambiguous between two modules
VB6 applications that use window subclassing or other API callback methods throw a CallbackOnCollectedDelegate exception
A call to a Windows API Declare returns a string filled with spaces
Calls to GetOpenFileName API method returns trimmed string
A FileGet6 or FilePut6 method throws an exception while attempting to read or write a User-Defined Type variable
Most VB.NET methods don’t work well with strings that contain ASCII 0 characters
The FileLineInput6 statement uses CR-LF pairs as delimiters
The vbDefaultButton4 constant might not be converted correctly
VB.NET doesn’t support implicit conversions in Const statements
Using an array of UDTs causes a compilation error or doesn’t work correctly at runtime
Passing an enumerated value to a Boolean argument throws an exception when the method returns
Get# and Put# statements might not behave as expected
Structures can’t have the same name as other members in VB.NET
Structures containing DBCS strings may cause exceptions when passed to an external (Declare) method
The Len6 method can return invalid values when applied to a structure containing fixed-length strings
The migrated application takes too long at loading its first form
The system hangs when using SendKeys to simulate key presses in an external application
Migrate VB6 applications that use window subclassing
OLE_COLOR type is converted to System.Drawing.Color
DIB images are copied and pasted as regular images
Output from the Print statement appears slightly different from the original VB6 application
The VB6Printer object doesn’t print in landscape mode
The default font for VB6Printer object can be different from VB6
The Line property of output TextStream always returns 1
Passing a ParamArray to another method
The Scripting.Dictionary object doesn’t work with Enum keys
Forms and controls
Unsupported ActiveX controls
Controls in the support library can’t be dropped on a standard VB.NET form
A migrated form doesn’t fire the Paint event
Use controls from VB Migration Partner’s support library on a standard .NET form
Reduce flickering when loading or resizing a form with many controls
Control events don't fire
How VB Migration Partner implements drag-and-drop features
The focus doesn’t go to the parent window when closing a modal form
Reduce flickering in graphic operations
Permanently display label and button accelerators
The VB.NET application ends with a fatal exception when the splash screen closes
Define a more reliable Ambient.UserMode property
ObjectDisposed exception where re-opening a closed form
Form-level variables in default forms don’t retain their values between calls
The VB.NET application hangs on the splash screen or terminates earlier than expected
Determine the font used for forms and controls
A reference to the Controls collection isn’t converted to Controls6
Setting the Font property at runtime causes an unexpected Paint event which may freeze the application
Setting the Font property inside a Paint event causes an endless loop
A nonexisting property is generated for a control in the *.Designer.vb file
VB.NET controls are taller than the original VB6 control
A form loaded with Load method might cause errors in its Unload event handler
Speed up For Each loops that iterate over the Controls collection
Iterate over all forms of current application
ScaleHeight and ScaleWidth properties aren’t correctly serialized at design-time
Change the value of a given property of all controls of specified type or name
Multiple or missing Paint events
The CLS method fails to refresh child controls on the form
Manually invoking the Paint event handler may not deliver the expected results
Drag-and-drop operations inside a ListBox control may deliver fake results
Elements of control arrays can’t be referenced before being created
PictureBox, Frame and other container controls don’t correctly process the Tab key if TabStop=False
Forms with same name as one of their controls can’t be opened in Visual Studio designer
Arrays of menu controls can’t contain separators
All ListBox and Frame controls in an array must have same style
Can’t mix VB graphic properties and GDI native calls
Form_Load events in default form instances
NullReference exception in Form_Initialize
A form behaves differently the second time it is opened
The Load event of a form doesn't fire when you access its property or control from another form
Graphic output is cleared when the form becomes visible
Negative values for ScaleWidth and ScaleHeight properties cause incorrect output in Microsoft Vista
Closing a form causes the ObjectDisposed exception
An MDI Child form can mistakenly display a menu bar
Menus on MDI child forms doesn’t replace the toplevel menu of the MDI parent form
VB.NET forms don’t display the size grip handle
Accessing a control from the Initialize event handler causes a NullReference exception
MDI child forms don’t become visible
Assignments to Font properties generate runtime errors in late-bound mode
The font of a control changes unexpectedly at runtime
Object variables inside Form_Initialize and UserControl_Initialize events are always Nothing
Arrays of menu items can throw an exception if items are destroyed too early
Invoking the Show method of MDI child forms containing one or more ActiveX controls might not fire the Load event
ActiveX controls aren’t migrated correctly
Assignments to VB6 Form’s Left and Top properties are ignored
Using the hDC property causes an InvalidOperationException error
Setting the TabIndex property in VB.NET doesn’t affect the TabIndex of other controls
Controls in migrated VB.NET forms may be hidden by other controls
Disabled controls and read-only TextBox controls appears with grayed background
Selecting the contents of a TextBox when the control gets the input focus doesn’t work in VB.NET
Setting the Visible=False for a Frame may cause spurious GotFocus, LostFocus, and Validate events
Shape and Line controls aren’t updated correctly
Forms with Line and Shape controls may exhibit a lot of flickering
PictureBox controls can be cleared unexpectedly or receive spurious Paint events
The MsgBox, InputBox, and common dialogs cause spurious LostFocus and GotFocus events
Convert from OLE types to .NET types
Runtime errors in Form_Load events in 64-bit apps
Leverage the features of native .NET controls
Leverage .NET TextAlign property with command, checkbox, and option button controls
Minor differences between CommonDialog, Printer, Line, and Shape VB6 classes and their implementation in CodeArchitects.VBPowerPack.dll
VB Migration Partner uses the Line, Shape, and Printer classes in Microsoft VB PowerPacks
Migrate binary properties of nested user controls
Speed up execution by removing unnecessary Refresh methods
VB.NET automatically sets the Checked property of the first control in a group of Option buttons
Image controls whose Picture property is Nothing aren't transparent
.NET behaves differently from VB6 if you disable a checked OptionButton control in Form_Load event handler
Transparent VB6 Label controls aren’t transparent in the VB.NET application
Mouse event aren’t received by transparent Image and Label controls
Label and Image controls appear in front of other controls
DoEvents6 calls can cause weird user interface behaviors
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET implementation of DDE
Timers are disabled inside VB6 IDE when a MsgBox or InputBox statement is active
Double-clicking on a control array element at design-time creates a brand new event handler
Implementing the Enter/Leave event handlers for a control array
Replacing a VB6Placeholder control with another control causes an error in the VB.NET designer
The VB6 form has border, but the migrated VB.NET form hasn’t
Scrollbars in MDI forms are always visible
“Classic” (VB3-style) drag-and-drop stops working
The ClientSize property of a form can return an incorrect value
Minor differences among different versions of Microsoft Windows Common Controls library
User-defined coordinate systems can have unexpected results
Controlling the LostFocus and Validate event sequence
Controlling the GotFocus and MouseDown event sequence
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET TreeView controls
HitTest method of the TreeView control can return different values in VB.NET
Images displayed in TreeView, ListView, and other controls aren’t transparent
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET StatusBar controls
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET ImageCombo controls
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET DTPicker controls
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET MonthView controls
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET UpDown controls
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET SSTab controls
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET ListView controls
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET Toolbar controls
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET MSChart controls
How to migrate the PictureDn, PictureUp, and PictureDisabled properties of SSCommand and SSRibbon controls
It’s impossible to set the initial tab in an SSTab control
Create an instance of the VB6ImageList control at runtime
Top property of controls hosted inside an SSTab control is relative to TabPage border
Forms containing an ImageList control don’t display at design-time after updating the CodeArchitects.VBLibrary DLL.
Setting the current tab in a SSTab control brings the input focus to the control
Hotkeys in SSTab caption work only if the form’s KeyPreview property is set to True
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET ImageList controls
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET Command controls
Binary properties of a few controls aren’t migrated correctly
Assignments to the ListView.SelectedItem property are ignored if the control isn’t visible
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET DriveListBox, DirListBox, and FileListBox controls
The ListView’s background image doesn’t migrate correctly
Deleting a Toolbar, ListView, or StatusBar control prevents the form from loading in Visual Studio designer
The .NET Toolbar control can’t contain standard controls
Move a control over a toolbar at runtime
The UpDown control can affect the wrong property of its buddy control
Removing an item from a multi-selectable ListBox resets ListIndex property
Check an item of a ListBox with Style=CheckBoxes with a single mouse click
Removing an item from a single-selectable ListBox selects the previous item
SmallChange property can’t be higher than LargeChange
ScrollBar controls ignore the LargeChange property
DTPicker controls display their content using the LongDate format
The DTPicker control doesn’t accept dates earlier than 1/1/1753
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET TabStrip controls
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET RichTextBox controls
SelFontName, SelFontSize, SelBold, SelItalic, SelUnderline, and SelStrikeThru properties of RichTextBox control return Nothing instead of Null
Invalid assignments to the Rtf property might not throw an exception
Fields are restored in a different way if an error occurs with a Data control
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET DataList controls
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET DataCombo controls
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET RemoteData controls
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET DataGrid controls
Minor differences between VB6 and VB.NET controls belonging to the Threed (ActiveTreedPlus) control library
Migrating VB6 reports to NET
WLOption controls ignore the Group property
The cdlOFNShareAware flag of the CommonDialog control isn’t supported
TabStrip and SSTab controls don’t display hotkeys in button captions
The Scroll event of the VB6FlatScrollBar control doesn’t fire repeatedly while dragging the indicator
Create custom labels in the tab portion of an SSTab control
The MouseIcon isn’t migrated for MMControl and MSHFlexGrid controls
Properties of the MSChart control might not be migrated correctly
GotFocus and LostFocus events in UserControls
Serializable properties in UserControls using system objects may crash Visual Studio
Simplify code produced for UserControl classes
Property references in a form might not match property names in a UserControl
Errors when re-opening modal, default forms that host an ActiveX control
The Default and Cancel properties of a VB6UserControl object don’t behave like in VB6
Stand-alone UserControl, UserDocument, and PropertyPage keywords might not be converted correctly
Private UserControls aren’t loaded with Controls.Add method
The application stops with the “ActiveX control is windowless. Windowless ActiveX controls aren’t supported” error message
Common problems when generating an ActiveX wrapper with AxWrapperGen
UserControl classes don’t raise the InitProperties, ReadProperties and WriteProperties events
Can’t use Tab key to move the focus to a DataGrid ActiveX control
Mouse custom cursor in drag-and-drop operations with ActiveX controls doesn’t work correctly
Write an extender DLL that can manipulate design-time properties of converted controls
Retrieving a reference to the actual ActiveX control wrapped in a class generated with AxWrapperGen
You need a runtime license for RDO and for ActiveX controls when running on a computer on which VB6 isn’t installed
The list area of a DataCombo or DataList control isn’t automatically updated
Form Left and Top properties not correctly migrated if StartupPosition is Manual
The ADODC Data control doesn’t work with server-side cursors that use Access databases
Classes and COM objects
Common issues when converting VB6 applications that use type libraries
A reference to a COM type library is missing
.NET 4.0 TlbImp tool generates wrong wrappers for optional Boolean parameters
The VB.NET application throws a NullReference exception (or some other unexpected error) during the initialization phase
Get rid of the "Class" suffix used for COM classes
Use different versions of same COM type library or ActiveX control
Members in COM libraries might be missing or raise unexpected errors
Deal with Null, Empty, and missing values
Ensure that properties with both Property Let and Property Set are translated correctly
Properties may be migrated without any warning related to VB6’s ByRef parameters being converted to VB.NET’s ByVal parameters
Change the base class of a VB.NET class
Work with auto-instancing arrays
Objects returned from COM methods may cause an InvalidCastException error
The ScriptControl can’t interact with classes that aren’t visible to COM
Avoid compilation errors caused by unsupported designers
Fix VB6 client applications that reference a COM DLL that has migrated to VB.NET using binary compatibility
Optimize startup time in N-tier applications
Expose arrays with nonzero lower index to COM clients
Avoid reentrancy problems in free-threaded .NET components
Database and data-binding
Connection and Recordset objects should be closed explicitly
The Execute method of the ADODB.Connection object can create a spurious Recordset object
The DAO RepairDatabase method causes a compilation error
DAO and RDO Data control may not update bound controls when record position changes
Converted DataEnvironment instances open the connection only when needed
The migrated VB.NET has a “Name ‘xyz’ is not declared” compilation error
ADO-related code in the migrated VB.NET application might not behave like the original VB6 code
Classes and user controls generated by VB6 Data Object Wizard aren’t supported
The Validate event may not fire for the Data and RDO Data control
Assigning the ActiveConnection and Source properties of an ADODB.Recordset object may cause a runtime error
Solve syntax errors in ADODC event handlers
Passing an ADO read-only property to a ByRef argument causes a COMException
VB.NET doesn’t allow to close an ADO Connection while a transaction is active
Disappearing records in client-side ADODB.Recordset with batch optimistic lock
The data source of a bound control isn’t updated if the control’s value is modified via code
The Data control may fail when accessing a non-Access data source
Passing ADOX properties to ByRef argument may cause unexpected runtime exceptions
The DataBindings property of a bound user control isn’t migrated
adDBFileTime enum values are converted to ADODB_DataTypeEnum_adDBFileTime constants
Some properties of VB6DataGrid control can’t be modified from inside Visual Studio’s property window
Code that references a VB6DataGrid column by its string key may not work in the migrated VB.NET program
DBGrid control isn’t supported
DataGrid and MSHFlexGrid controls don’t work as expected and/or throw exceptions
Changing properties of the data source associated with a DataGrid control can throw an exception
Assigning a StdDataFormat object to the DataFormat property of an ADODB.Field causes runtime errors
Column formatting via StdDataFormat objects doesn’t work for DataGrid controls
The DataGrid’s SelColChange event may fire unexpectedly
Data classes might need manual adjustments
Main ADOLibrary limitations
The OpenSchema method returns a client-side recordset
Invoking an action stored procedure via a Command object may throw an exception
Omitting default values in INSERT statements with Access