Most VB6 controls expose the Font property, which in turn returns a StdFont object whose properties (Name, Size, Italic, Bold, Underline, etc.) are writable. The corresponding .NET Font object is very similar to the VB6 Font, however its properties are read-only.
If the control is referenced in early-bound mode, VB Migration Partner correctly recognizes this potential issue and generates a reference to a helper method, such as FontChangeName6 or FontChangeSize6, as in this case:
Text1.Font.Bold = True
SetFontBold6(Text1.Font, True)
However, if the control is accessed in late-bound mode, VB Migration Partner cannot detect that a replacement is necessary, and leaves the code unmodified. In this case, when the assignment is attempted at runtime, an exception occurs. An example of late-bound access occurs when iterating on all the controls of a form
Dim ctrl As Object
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
ctrl.Font.Bold = True
There are a couple ways to modify VB Migration Partner’s default behavior.
First, you can let VB Migration Partner know that the ctrl is actually a control, by means of the AssumeType pragma, as in this example:
Dim ctrl As Object
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
ctrl.Font.Bold = True
Notice that here we use TextBox, but any control class name will do to solve the problem. The result is:
Dim ctrl As Object
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls6
ChangeFontBold6(ctrl.Font, True)
Second, if there are just too many occurrences of late-bound control references and you don’t want to insert one AssumeType pragma for each occurrence, you can try a PostProcess pragma that automatically replaces all assignments in current project:
Notice that this pragma doesn’t work for the Strikethrough property, for which you require a separate pragma: