VB.NET doesn’t support ByRef parameters in Property blocks, thus parameters that were passed using ByRef have to be converted to ByVal parameters. Instead of issuing a warning any time such a conversion is applied, VB Migration Partner does emit a warning only if the parameter is assigned inside the Property. This strategy reduces the number of unnecessary warnings that the developer must scrutinize after the migration. For example, consider the following VB6 code:
Property Get TestProperty(index As Integer) As String
index = index + 1
TestProperty = CStr(index)
End Property
Property Let TestProperty(index As Integer, value As String)
value = value & "*"
m_TestProperty = value
End Property
This is the result of the migration:
Public Property TestProperty(ByVal index As Short) As String
index = index + 1
Return CStr(index)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
value = value & "*"
m_TestProperty = value
End Set
End Property
As you see, no warning is issued for the Index parameter in the Set block, because that parameter isn’t assigned in the original Property Set procedure.