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[PRB] The ListView’s background image doesn’t migrate correctly

The VB6 ListView control allows you to assign a background image to the Picture property and to control how this image is rendered by means of the PictureAlignment property, which can take the following enumerated values: TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight, Center, and Tile.

The ListView control is migrated as an instance of the VB6ListView class, which inherits from the System.Windows.Forms.ListView control. This control exposes the BackgroundImage and BackgroundImageTiled properties, therefore VB Migration Partner can only map the VB6 PictureAlignment property to the BackgroundImageTiled property. For this reason, it isn’t possible to correctly migrate values other than TopLeft and Tile. Unsupported values are migrated as if they were equal to TopLeft.(Notice that the .NET ListView does support a property named BackgroundImageLayout, but this property is intended to support the .NET infrastructure and assigning a value to it has no effect.)


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