VB Migration Partner


VB6 Bulk Analyzer is a command-line utility that gathers a lot of information about all the VB6 projects and source files inside a specified directory tree and then creates a concise but quite thorough report.

Using this tool is quite easy: just open a command window, move to the root of the directory tree that contains all the VB6 source files that you want to parse, and run the utility. Notice that VB6 Bulk Analyzer is a .NET application and is therefore subject to .NET security settings. For this reason it is essential that you store it on a local hard disk. (Running it from a network drive might raise an exception when it attempts to read the VB6 source files or write the report.)

Being a .NET application, VB6 Bulk Analyzer requires that either Visual Studio 2005/2008 or the .NET Framework 2.0/3.5 be installed on the local computer. If this isn't the case, you can download the .NET Framework from here.

During the analysis, VB6 Bulk Analyzer displays the name of the files being parsed and then a summary of all the code it has parsed. If you parse more than a few dozen files, odds are that the relevant information will scroll away from the window, but you also have a permanent copy in the file named VBAnalyser_Report.txt, in the current directory.

The tool supports a few options too, such as /quiet for omitting file names, /out to select a different report file, and /help to display a short explanation. You can also specify multiple folder names, in case your source code is scattered in directories that don't have a common root, as in this example:

     VB6ANALYZER c:\firstapp c:\secondapp  /out:c:\report.txt

The report file contains much useful info, including:

  • number of projects and source files, grouped by type
  • statistics about the source code (code lines, empty and remark lines, etc.), number of methods, properties, etc.
  • statistics about ActiveX classes (grouped by their Instancing property, number of MTS classes, etc.)
  • all the type libraries used in all projects, with how many times the typelib is referenced
  • names of all used controls and components, with a count beside each control
  • list of all the Declare definition, with number of occurrences of each declare
  • list of problematic keywords (GoSub, On...Goto/Gosub, VarPtr, ObjPtr, StrPtr, etc.), with number of times the keyword is used
  • list of problematic data types (Variant, fixed-length strings, etc., with number of times the keyword is used
  • list of problematic control properties, methods, events (e.g. members related to classic Drag-and-drop or DDE)
  • list of problematic constants (e.g. adOpenDynamic and adOpenKeyset means that a piece of ADO code can't be easily ported to ADO.NET)
  • list of COM classes that are instantiated via CreateObjects
  • list of OLEDB data providers explicitly mentioned in a connection string

VB6Analyzer is quite precise, especially if you consider that it doesn't really interpret the VB6 source code. It uses plain regular expressons, yet it doesn't suffer from "false matches" (eg. a keyword that appears in a remark or in a quoted string). Regular expressions make it very fast: on a 3GHz system it analyzes over 600K characters per second, or nearly 9,000 lines per second.

Remember to run VB6 Bulk Analyzer on your VB6 projects before contacting the VB Migration Partner Team with questions related to technical or licensing issues. We just added a specific field in our Contact Us page to let you upload the report.

Download VB6 Bulk Analyzer
Download VB6 Bulk Analyzer
(for Japanese language)

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Read Microsoft Corp’s official case study of a VB6 conversion using VB Migration Partner.

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To learn more about your VB6 applications, run VB6 Analyzer on your source code and send us the generated text file. You will receive a detailed report about your VB6 applications and how VB Migration Partner can help you to quickly and effectively migrate it to .NET.

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